Wednesday, August 26, 2009

A new beginning

Last week I started my senior year of college. Scary! It seems as if all through college I have been very resistant to change (okay, so that's been happening my whole life, not just in college) and very reluctant to do anything that is outside of my comfort zone. I really feel like this mindset has been a limiting factor in my life. As I was driving back to school from being home for a few weeks, I made the decision to have no fear this semester. I think that is what has been holding me back all along. I have been afraid to try anything, fearing that I would fail. Well, this year, I'm not holding back. This mainly applies to my spiritual life, but obviously will overflow into the other areas of my life. It's a scary thing for me to do, because in nature, I'm just scared, but I think this is the best decision I've made in a long while. I'm starting this blog in order to attempt to keep myself accountable. I don't want to be all talk about this one. I'm really going to do things! If God gives me the opportunity, I'm going to take it. No fear. So, I hope you don't mind, but I'm going to write about all the amazing things I do this year. Keep reading this, and keep me accountable so that I don't just sink back into my old ways. Thanks! Oh, and no worries, I'll still be writing over on life-is-awkward. Awkward things will inevitably happen this year as a result. :D